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EPS Cash For Kilowatts Case Study
MARCH 23 2022
Reduce your energy usage by up to 20% with our efficiency upgrade scheme

Cash For Kilowatts is suitable for a range of industries such as Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and Hospitality industry. 

See how EPS reduced their carbon footprint and saved 5.1 megawatt hours of energy – that’s the equivalent of half a million light bulbs!


  • ​Can you give us a general overview of what EPS does as a business?

Founded upon 53 years of operating experience, EPS Group has grown from a relatively small electrical and pumping services business in Kanturk, Co. Cork to an innovative, internationally exporting group, now focused upon the water & wastewater and clean technology sectors.
We offer water and wastewater pumping and treatment services to markets in Ireland, the UK and Middle East, while we also export globally for one off or strategic projects, which have included projects in the Philippines, Grenada, North America, Antarctica as well as various data centre projects across Northern Europe.

  • Why did EPS approach Energia about an energy efficiency upgrade?

Despite our progress for the past 11 years, and in tandem with more recent awareness and carbon data with respect to climate change, we have begun a process of reassessment to reset our journey.
EPS has been employing energy efficiency and energy reduction schemes for over 20 years and as Energia was already providing EPS with 100% renewable electricity across our branches and sites, it was the next logical step in our working relationship with them to explore what other energy efficiency measures we could make across the company to continue towards our goal of being a Net Zero business.
During 2022, we will determine and launch our next phase; setting out our plan and targets for the next decades of our journey to Net Zero.

  • What type of upgrade did EPS have with Cash for Kilowatts?

Energy – water and wastewater pump replacement schemes; modifications, enhancement of pumping systems and the use of optimised VSD (variable speed drive) technologies and network control. Aeration upgrades with enhanced blower aeration technology.

  • How was the paperwork and grant application?

Energia and our account managers made the process very straightforward. They did the heavy lifting on that front, which was much appreciated!

  • How did you find the end-to-end process and timeline– any disruption to trading etc?

We found the process working with Energia quite seamless. We have an excellent relationship with our Energia account managers and project managers, who we worked with every step of the way to ensure the whole process ran as smoothly as possible.

  • Has EPS business noticed a difference in your energy costs and carbon footprint since the upgrade?

Absolutely – our participation in the Cash for Kilowatts scheme has already saved 5.1megawatt hours – the equivalent of turning off 500,000 lightbulbs!

  • Has the work completed been part of a larger energy efficiency / carbon footprint reduction strategy?

EPS has a long history of employing energy efficiency and energy reduction schemes for over 20 years and in 2021, we published our first annual Sustainability Report. In 2015, we won the SEAI Leadership Award for helping voluntary groups secure €1.93 million for energy projects.
In a project titled Community Energy Performance Solutions (CEPS), EPS has assisted community groups and businesses in Cork, Kerry and Limerick to secure funding towards various projects aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of these organisations. This resulted in the installation of many energy efficient projects such as lighting, boilers, insulation and these projects ensured long term sustainable communities and ensured lower operating costs for community groups into the future.
We also introduced some innovative schemes to benefit our employees, such as the Better Energy Home Salary Incentive Scheme (BEHSIS). The BEHSIS scheme was established by SEAI in collaboration with EPS as an incentive to encourage employees to improve the energy performance of their homes. On average, each employee who participated received approximately €6,000 worth of energy upgrades, of which 50% was funded through subsidies.

  • What advice would you give to a business considering an energy efficiency upgrade?

Go for it – you have nothing to lose, everything to gain and you can play your part in making your business, country and the world a more sustainable one. Approach Energia to see if Cash for Kilowatts can be as successful for you as it has been for us.

  • Would you be happy to recommend Cash for Kilowatts?

Absolutely – personally and professionally, we all have a role to play in being more energy efficient and no matter the nature of your business, by working collectively we can make a difference and Cash for Kilowatts is a scheme that can be adopted by businesses of any shape or size.