Understanding your business bill
Online guides for electricity & gas billing
Business electricity and gas bills are issued monthly and they contain important information about your account including how your bill is calculated, your current balance and the amount you need to pay.
We've created online visual guides & help videos that breakdown each area within your electricity or gas bill to provide a clear understanding on every cost associated with your energy use.
We've created online visual guides & help videos that breakdown each area within your electricity or gas bill to provide a clear understanding on every cost associated with your energy use.
Understanding your electricity / gas bill:
Watch our bill explainer video to step through the essential information on your business electricity or gas bills and understand which each element means.
Your business gas bill explained:
This may not always be the premises where the energy is used, it may be a correspondence address.
- Emergency Faults: 1800 20 50 50
- Account Enquiries: 0818 36 37 44
- Gas Network Ireland: 1800 46 44 64
For Electricity Bill:
For Gas Bill:
- Bill Number
- Account Number
- Account Period (The dates to which the bill applies)
- Meter Point Reference Number (Unique identifier number for your business)
- Meter reference and distribution codes
- Maximum import capacity (MIC) is charged as a PSO levy (per kVA)
For Gas Bill:
- Bill Number
- Account Number
- Account Period (The dates to which the bill applies)
- Gas Point Reference Number (Unique identifier number for your business)
- Annual estimated usage and consumption band provided by Bord Gais Networks
- The Conversion Factor is a multiplier used to convert your gas from the units on your meter (cubic meters or hundred cubic feet) into the units you are billed on (kilowatt hours)
- Date account was produced
- The account balance after the previous bill, the payments received since the last bill - up after adjustments and corrections
- The current bill amount
- Total amount outstanding and payment due date. Direct debit will be taken on this date if applicable.
The address shown here is where the electricity or gas is used.
The tariff is the rate that is assigned to your meter.
Details of charges broken down into time bands, chargeable rates, network charges, levies, discounts, rebates and taxes plus the message area.
Details of charges broken down into time bands, chargeable rates, network charges, levies, discounts, rebates and taxes plus the message area.
Payment information is explained.
Meter reading information - Depending on the meter type there could be more than one meter reading.
Units used are the difference between the present meter reading and the previous meter reading multiplied by the ‘Multiplier factor’. If we have not been able to read your meter we will have estimated your reading on your previous usage.
Units used are the difference between the present meter reading and the previous meter reading multiplied by the ‘Multiplier factor’. If we have not been able to read your meter we will have estimated your reading on your previous usage.
Last recorder meter reading information.