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Smart Meters are being rolled out across Ireland to give customers convenience, control and to support energy saving.

Every standard electricity meter in Ireland will be upgraded to a new Smart Meter with ESB Networks replacing 2.4 million meters nationwide by 2024.

Smart Meters offer increased opportunities for renewable energy generation on our journey to reduce carbon emissions for a cleaner, greener, and healthier environment for everyone.

What are Smart Meters?

Smart Meters measure your electricity and gas usage and automatically send this information to you and your energy provider.

Smart Meters enable you to see how much energy you are using and the cost of your usage so you can easily identify when and where savings can be made.

Smart Meters benefits to customers

Reduce energy costs:
Smart meters make you more aware of your energy usage around the home, helping you keep track of your spending so you can take steps to make savings before your next bill

The power is in your hands:
Smart energy controls means you can switch your usage to times of the day when electricity is cheaper for your consumption data available to view in the Energia app

Accurate billing:
With a Smart Meter there is also no need to manually read your meter, your usage info will be sent automatically to your provider, so your account is always up to date!

Faults can be found faster:
New functionality will identify and flag any faults with ESB Networks so fixes can be made faster.

Smart Meter FAQs: