About the Switching Process:
Have you considered switching energy suppliers, but put it off because it seemed like too much hassle and a bit confusing? Switching is actually very simple and straightforward. Best of all, there is no upfront fee for switching and switching electricity providers can save you money and can be done over the phone in less than 10 minutes, and it’s even easier to switch online. Switch online today and get a €50 cashback bonus with a dual fuel bundle!
You can choose to sign up online, over the phone at 1850 300 700 or with one of our sales agents on your doorstep. Did you know that you can switch online in only 4 minutes if you have your information ready? There are just a few important details we need from you first:
- Your full name
- Your address and phone number
- Your MPRN and/or GPRN numbers (these numbers can be found on your current bill)
- Your meter reading (how to read your meter)
- Your bank account details (if you are paying by direct debit)
Did you know that if you switch to Energia as your electricity provider can save on average €343 a year, a gas customer can save on average €110 a year, while a dual fuel customer can save on average €647 a year? *
If you are with your current supplier for over 1 year there is no exit fee and you can switch to Energia with no issues. Once you’ve signed up with us, we’ll contact your old energy supplier and start the process of switching your energy account over to Energia. You don’t need to contact your old supplier, we’ll take care of everything for you.
Once you switch what happens next?
Step 1 - Energia Registration Letter: You’ll receive this registration letter within a few days of signing up, confirming all your details and the plan you’ve chosen.
Step 2 - Energia Welcome Pack: This contains your new Energia Account Number and lots of helpful information about your service, which should arrive within two weeks of you signing up.
Step 3 - Your Final Bill from your old supplier: We will pass on your meter reading to your old supplier to ensure your final bill is accurate.
Step 4 - Your Energia Bill: Your Energia bill will be issued every two months, the exact date will depend on when your meter is normally read.
If you’ve been considering switching your energy supplier but put it off because it seemed like too much hassle, you could be saving money when you switch to Energia. Find out Why Energia had more switchers than anyone else for the last two years!
Switching is actually very simple and straightforward, so if you have any queries about switching or require any further information just give us a call on 1850 300 700 and get the best Dual Fuel Deal only with Energia.
Switch Now
*These figures are based on our Estimated Annual Bill. Please click here for additional information on how Estimated Annual Bill is calculated. For a breakdown of Estimated Annual Bill click here. Ireland's Cheapest Dual Fuel Bundle - for verification click here to view the Q1 2019 Commission for Regulation of Utilities Report.