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Energia Customer Solutions Limited having its registered office at Blanchardstown Retail Park, Dublin 15, D15 YT2H, Ireland, (“the Company”) intends but is under no obligation to broadcast via internet repeats branded content provisionally entitled “Energia Vox Pops”, (“the Programme”).

The Company shall comply with the requirements of all legislation and regulatory requirements in force from time to time relating to the use of personal data. This clause is in addition to, and does not reduce, remove or replace, Company’s obligations arising from such requirements. Company will process your personal data in accordance with the privacy notice available on Company’s website at A copy of the privacy notice is available upon request.

In consideration of the opportunity afforded me by the Company to participate in the Programme I hereby irrevocable and unconditionally:

1. Consent to the filming recording and/or broadcasting (live or recorded) of my contribution to and participation and performance in the production, the nature and the content of which has been fully explained to me.

2. Grant all the consents, if any, which the company may require under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000 and in particular Parts III and IV thereof or otherwise in relation to my participation and under the laws of any other jurisdiction throughout the world.

3. Confirm that the Company may transfer and assign this release or all or any part of the Company’s rights under it.

4. Confirm that the entire copyright throughout the world for all purposes in the Programme and in all products of my services hereunder shall vest in, belong to and is hereby assigned by way of assignment of present and future copyright by me irrevocably to the Company, its successors and assigns exclusively to hold the same unto the Company absolutely throughout the world for the full period of copyright and all renewals and extensions thereof and thereafter in perpetuity and the Programme and any part or constituent thereof and any such other products of my services hereunder may be altered, adapted, added to, reproduced, exhibited, exploited, dealt with or sold by the company by any means, whether now known, or hereafter devised for any purpose whatsoever and whether my engagement hereunder is still subsisting or not.

5. Waive to the fullest extent possible any so-called moral rights that may be deemed to be in existence in relation to my contributions to and my participation and performances in the Programme.

6. Undertake not to institute support, maintain, permit or support any action or proceedings on the ground that the Programme produced and/or exploited by the Company in any way constitutes an infringement of any moral rights.

7. Acknowledge that the consideration set out above is inclusive of equitable remuneration for the purposes of any rental or lending rights vested in me.

8. Acknowledge and agree that my contributions towards and performances in the Programme and my name, photograph and/or likeness, details about me, recordings of me and interviews with me may be advertised and used in exploitation of the Programme at any time and from time to time throughout all countries of the world in perpetuity.

9. Acknowledge that the company shall have no obligation to use my contribution or performance in the Programme.

10. Acknowledge that I am not entitled to a credit in relation to my contribution to the Programme.

11. Waive any claim or claims I may have for loss of opportunity to enhance my reputation as a result of the non-inclusion of my performances and contributions in the Programme.

12. Confirm and warrant that I am at least 18 years old, entitled to enter this release, to grant all rights in the contribution to the Company and I am not under any contractual or other obligations precluding me from doing so.

13. Undertake the contribution will be genuine and truthful and will not infringe the copyright or any other right of any third party or breach any contract or duty of confidence, data protection law or other legislation relating to national security, constitute a contempt of court or be obscene, defamatory or blasphemous;

14. Undertake to keep confidential any matter which comes to my attention in relation to the Programme.

15. Confirm that the photography and/or filming for the Programme was conducted in a proper and highly professional manner.

16. Acknowledge and agree that Company will not be liable in any way for any loss, damage, injury or distress or other consequence of the filming of the Programme or other consequence relating to or arising from the broadcast of the Programme and that Company shall have no other liability or obligations other than as expressly set out herein.

17. Waive any right to inspect or approve the Programme or any ancillary use to which my contribution may be put in accordance with this Release and Consent Form.

18. I indemnify Company irrevocably against all and any costs, claims, expenses and liabilities (including, without limitation, legal fees and any sums paid on the advice of counsel) resulting from the breach by me of any of my obligations under this agreement.